The current world we live in is filled with fear, doubt, worry, hurdles, and obstacles.


Everywhere we turn we are faced with what we call the Clickety-Clack.


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The best way to describe the Clickety-Clack is…

On a multiple-speed bicycle, when you change from one gear to another, there is that moment when the chain is  jumping from one gear to the next gear, but it has not clicked in yet. What sound does it make?

Clickety-clack . . . clickety-clack.

You have faith it will catch eventually, so you keep peddling the bike. Your faith pays off because it eventually catches, and when it does, you are off into an even better gear. Have faith and know that things will kick into the next gear soon enough. Trust, and know that all is well.

In a world filled with so much anger, resentment, judgment, hate, shame, and finger-pointing, how is one supposed to stay peaceful?

Over the years, I have developed tools to remain calm and peaceful in these times. People have asked me how I am able to do this. The answer is multi-layered, and it has taken me years to arrive at this point.

This TV series speaks directly to how to navigate the clickety-clack of life, and how to stay peaceful in a seemingly toxic world. Joined by three feature teachers from the hit movie and NY Times bestseller, The Secret (John Demartini, Joe Vitale, and Marie Diamond) and many other well known experts reveal their personal stories of moving through the clickety-clack, and how to stay peaceful when others might not have the tools to do so.


Series Cast

Patricia Burke, PhD
Transpersonal Psychotherapist, Educator, Futurist, and Explorer of Inner Space

Rachel Davis, PhD
Transformational Leader, Guide, and Author

Katie Dean, PhD
Award-Winning Artist, Author, and Energy Guide 

Hilary DeCesare
CEO at The ReLaunch Co., Neuro-Performance Master Coach for High Performing Women in Business, 3x International Bestselling Author and Speaker 

Dr. John Demartini
International Bestselling Author, Educator, and Founder of the Demartini Institute and Demartini Method 

Marie Diamond
World-Renowned Master Teacher of Feng Shui and the Law of Attraction, Star of the Peacock Series Feng Shui Your Life, and Featured Teacher in the Hit Movie, The Secret

Diana Dorell
Bestselling Author, Healer and Intuitive Coach

Dr. Karen Kan G., 
Award-Winning #1 International Bestselling Author Founder of the Academy of Light Medicine™ and the TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method

Michele Griffith, MFA, MS, MSW
Award-Winning #1 International Bestselling Author, Speaker, and Clinician ArtInMotion AIM for Wellness

Kerri Hummingbird
4x International Bestselling Author, Medicine Woman, Mother, Mentor, and Messenger

Cheri Lowman L.
Award-Winning International Bestselling Author, Homeopathist, Energy Healer, and Constitutional Hydrotherapist

Rhonda Marsh
Christian Motivational Speaker, Podcaster, and Proud owner of Southern Draw Skin Studio since 1995

Marcy Neumann 
Award-Winning Visionary and Creator, Bestselling Author, Energy Healer, and Spiritual Mentor

Kim O'Neill
Authentic Confidence Coach, Host of the Every Day is a New Day Show, and Founder of the Let Your Light Shine Movement

Ezty Rosynfeld 
Award-Winning Author of the Amazon Bestseller Transformative Divorce: From Broken to Blessed, Creator of the Transformative Divorce Course, and Host of the upcoming, Transformative Divorce Summit

Keith Leon S.
9x Award-Winning 12x International Bestselling Author, Publisher, and 7x Award Winning Filmmaker

Maura Leon S.
Award-Winning International Bestselling Author, Book Publisher, Vibrational Artist, Relationship Expert, and Co-Creator of Whole Being Healing

Dipal Shah
The Body Whisperer, Medical Intuitive and Coach, Speaker, Author, and Founder of Quantum Body Awakening

Sarah Spann
Award-Winning International Bestselling Author and Holistic Wellness Coach

John Stringer
Award-Winning International Bestselling Author, Creator, and Alignment Coach

Joe Vitale 
Bestselling Author, Speaker, Musician, and Recipient of the 2024 President Lifetime Achievement Award for Volunteer Service

Lisa Warner
Bestselling Author of Teacher of The Simplicity of Self-Healing, Speaker, Shifter of Consciousness, Awakener, and Creator of Whole Being Healing

Click the link below, click the photo, or scan the QR code with your phone to grab a copy of Navigating the Clickety-Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World 

Link: NavigatingtheClicketyClackBookOne